Pompositticut Community Center OPEN
Next game TBD
Stow (Weekly)
Stow Sanctioned Bridge Club
The Stow Bridge Club is a new Sanctioned ACBL Duplicate Bridge Game that started in July, 2017.
We are a very friendly group open to all skill levels.
Single players are welcome -- we'll pair you up!
We meet in the Pompositticut Community Center, where there is ample parking.
As you approach the building from Great Road, turn right in to a small parking lot. You may either park there or continue past the building where there are a few more marked parking spaces. Enter the front door to where the lights are on.
The cost is $12 per person ($13 for special games), and play begins promptly at 7 PM.
Meets: Thursday nights, 7pm
Cost: $12/person ($13 for special games)
Game: ACBL Sanctioned Open Game, Master points awarded
20-21 boards (done by 10pm)
Location: Pompositticut Community Center
509 Great Rd, Stow, MA 01775